Château de Saint-Point - Maison d’Alphonse Lamartine

A Neogothic Castle

As a medieval building transformed by Alphonse and Marianne de Lamartine and turned into an English neogothic castle, Saint-Point is one of the few examples of this architectural style in France.

The tour includes the kitchen, the 18th-century dining room, Alphonse de Lamartine’s bedroom and study, the private office of his personal secretary, and the Lamartine Museum. Located in the grand ground-floor salon, the museum houses the poet’s personal objects and mementos, preserved by his niece, Valentine de Cessiat.

Alphonse de Lamartine’s bedroom and study, designated as Historical Monuments, are furnished and preserved just as they were in their original state.

The pavilion added by Alphonse de Lamartine

The pavilion added by Alphonse de Lamartine

The Lamartine Museum

The poet’s family museum was constituted by his niece Valentine de Cessiat, who inherited the Saint-Point castle after the death of Alphonse de Lamartine.

It is located on the ground floor’s great living room, listed as a Monument Historique, lit up by four big windows and French windows that open to the outdoor park. In three glass cases, personal objects and memorabilia evoke his family, his travels, his muses, sources of poetic work and his political career.

Lamartine and politics

Lamartine and politics

Alphonse de Lamartine’s personal Secretary’s Office

His Personal Secretary’s Office

The office of Alphonse de Lamartine’s personal secretary

On the second floor, accessible up a stairway built within the tower, one finds the former office of the poet’s personal secretary, where an ensemble of Lamartine’s first editions of his work has been gathered, to trace his long literary career, his massive success and the critical fortune he received.

The Poet’s Bedroom

In his adjoining bedroom, where beautiful Cordou leather is outstretched on the walls, objects and pieces of furniture still seem to await the poet’s return. Between a drawing made by Marianne de Lamartine of his daughter Julia and the portrait of Pierre de Lamartine, one can find the chimney “of the poets.”

Alphonse de Lamartine’s bedroom

Alphonse de Lamartine’s bedroom

The Study

The study, a genuine monk’s cell with an arched ceiling, is entirely covered with striped cotton cloth. Lamartine found in here solitude, silence and the necessary quiet for his inspiration to emerge.

The pieces of furniture have remained in the same place: desk, writing desk, small bookshelves, and family portrait. This study is lit up by a narrow French window, which opens to the terrace where the poet contemplated the beautiful valleys in the distance that kept the tomb of his beloved deceased.

Alphonse de Lamartine’s office

Alphonse de Lamartine’s study

The Saint-Point castle has been granted the “Maison des Illustres” label by the French Minster for Culture and Communication.